How Life Coaching Works

Our founder has worked with more than 18,000 life-coaching clients over the past 35 years.

As you can imagine, this level of life coaching experience provides a unique perspective, insight, and understanding of what works and what doesn’t when it comes to improving how human beings live, work, relate, and grow.

We’ve used this life coaching experience to develop specialized expertise and a series of transformational frameworks that prove essential and effective for anyone willing to do the work required for lasting results.

Now, let’s discover how life coaching works.

Breakthrough and transformation require a significant shift in three primary areas of your life:

  1. Your beliefs (how you think about, and filter life),
  2. Your strategies (how you approach things), and
  3. Your behaviors (your habits, what you do consistently on a daily basis).

How to get the best from Life Coaching

We recommend that you work with a professional life coach for a minimum of three months.

This will ensure you build a trusting relationship and have time to work through any limiting beliefs or other inner blocks that are holding you back.

Your life coaching starts with a complimentary 25-minute strategy session where you set challenging goals and identify barriers. We’ll accomplish this through a series of eye-opening and empowering assessments, plus a pre-coaching questionnaire to help you pinpoint your goals for coaching.

You will then go through the following initial steps with your life coach:

STEP 1: Identify your limiting beliefs

You will work with your coach in the first few weeks to identify limiting beliefs that hold you back and keep you from unlocking the life, fulfillment, and happiness you want.

This step is what really makes our life coaching programs unique.

Your inner world is the foundation for your growth and success. Before you can make significant progress with your work, health, or relationship goals, you must first do the inner work to develop a greater understanding of how you view yourself and the world. This gives you a unique edge and an unstoppable advantage.

STEP 2: Develop patterns to overcome limiting beliefs

The next three months of coaching are all about developing and strengthening patterns that help you overcome limiting beliefs and achieve breakthroughs. These patterns give you access to transformative ways of thinking and habits that you can use for the rest of your life.

STEP 3: Achieve better goals faster

The rest of your work with your life coach will focus on reinforcing and leveraging your new patterns to achieve the specific goals you set at the beginning of your coaching program.

Your coach will provide you with access to specific strategies and tools to speed up implementation and success.

All along the way, your life coach will celebrate your progress and help you continually level up to the consistency and momentum you want for yourself.

Begin with an initial Life Coaching Session

Ready to take the next step? Schedule your initial strategy session with your life coach right now. It’s a safe, risk-free conversation to experience how life coaching works for yourself.

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